The Genealogy of the Beddow Family (and others)
Matches 1 to 50 of 514
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3 | 1880 Mallory Twp. Clayton Co. Ia Census & the 1870 Volga Twp., Clayton Co. Iowa census shows Cora's Date of Birth as 1867. | Beddow, Cora (I2900)
4 | 1930 census states he was born in "Irish Free State" versus Northern Ireland. Also was a farmer and lived on a farm. Imigrated in 1896 and was Naturalized as a citizen. | McAuliffe, John Edward (I2529)
5 | 2nd marriage: Adaline Menge | Family F1227
6 | 481-10-3979 | Beddow, Frank E. (I2910)
7 | 482-20-4429 | Beddow, Bert (I3130)
8 | 483-30-7062 | Beddow, Dewey George (I2909)
9 | 537-26-9465 | Beddow, Frank Jr. (I2931)
10 | 542-52-4356 | Beddow, Frank (I2895)
11 | 543-09-5429 | Beddow, George Coranatos (I2947)
12 | 543-09-5429 | Beddow, Charles T. (I2893)
13 | ======================================================== EXTRACTED FROM: History of Minneapolis, Gateway to the Northwest; Chicago-Minneapolis, The S J Clarke Publishing Co, 1923; Edited by: Rev. Marion Daniel Shutter, D.D., LL.D.; Volume I - Shutter (Historical); volume II - Biographical; volume III - Biographical ======================================================== Vol II, pg 127-128 EDWARD A. PURDY Edward A. Purdy, vice president of the Wells-Dickey Company and of the Wells-Dickey Trust Company, was postmaster of Minneapolis from June 1, 1914, until the 1st of May, 1922. During the last year of his incumbency he was chosen by Will H. Hays, postmaster general, to act as his special assistant in reorganizing the postal service nationally. At the time of his resignation he was president of the National Association of Postmasters. Just prior to leaving the postal service, Mr. Purdy edited a "Manual of the Post Office" for use in schools, which has been adopted as a text in many schools of the country and is on file in practically every library of any size. Edward A. Purdy was born in Lansing, Iowa, in 1878, a son of Edward and Emma Purdy, the former a native of Brooklyn, New York, while the latter was born in Troy. Pennsylvania. The paternal grandfather emigrated from New York westward some eighty years ago, his destination being St. Paul, Minnesota. He located, however, in Lansing. Iowa, and there resided the remainder of his life, trading with the Indians and supplying the river boats. During the presidential terms of Pierce and Buchanan he was postmaster at that place. Edward A. Purdy began his education in the public schools of his birthplace, continued it at Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin, and completed it at the University of Minnesota. After two years at Beloit he found himself unable to go on with the course and was compelled to stop and earn the necessary money. Soon afterward he came to Minneapolis and started a night school at the Y. M. C. A., which he continued to supervise after he entered the University of Minnesota. Upon leaving the University. Mr. Purdy obtained control of the Western Architect, which magazine he has since published, having made it a widely circulated and popular periodical. Mr. Purdy is a democrat. On the 29th of January, 1919, Mr. Purdy married Miss Mary T. Milnor, and to their union one son and one daughter have been born: Rockwell and Rebecca. A large part of Mr. Purdy's time recently has been devoted to securing an auditorium for Minneapolis. He is an enthusiastic hunter and fisherman and a devotee of all outdoor sports. He belongs to the Minneapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette clubs. | Purdy, Edward A. (I034)
14 | A notation on the Marriage index says Mrs. So I'm assuming that her maiden name is Wright and then she married a Kick and now marrying Swineheart. Rob | Kick, Sarah Ann Wright (I3591)
15 | According to Willards Bible, Sven Anderson was known as Swenson and changed it to Swanson | Anderson, Sven Johan (I2697)
16 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Robertson, R.G. (I2942)
17 | Believe the source was Everett Herald Newspaper 9/27/1998 | Campbell, Ethyl Mae (I2936)
18 | Bible page shows "Fielding R. Beddow died July 29, 1896" | Beddow, Fielding Robert (I3265)
19 | Census from 1910 indicates this was there 2nd marriage for both of them? | Family F1218
20 | Died when 5 years old | Edquist, Claude (I2719)
21 | Father born in Iowa, Mother born in England... Tombstone possibly says Catherine... | Carr, Katherine I. (I2549)
22 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Milnor, L. (I2544)
23 | from "Tombstone Records of Winneshiek County" | Cavanaugh, Michael (I607)
24 | From an IGI record found on Family Search for Meinrad Bammert. cites a source of Film.... Batch # J953534 1820-1869 sorce call#: 0872044 | Bammert, Matthaeus (I632)
25 | From an IGI record found on Family Search for Meinrad Bammert. cites a source of Film.... Batch # J953534 1820-1869 sorce call#: 0872044 | Fehrenbach, Maria (I633)
26 | From an IGI record found on Family Search for Meinrad Bammert. cites a source of Film.... Batch # J953534 1820-1869 sorce call#: 0872044 | Bammert, Meinrad (I605)
27 | from the 1900 census | Family F236
28 | from.... [http://www.famousamericans.net/jamesmilnor/] MILNOR, James, clergyman, born in Philadelphia, 20 June, 1773: died in New York city, 8 April, 1844. His parents were members of the Society of Friends. He entered the University of Pennsylvania, but, owing to family embarrassments, was not graduated. He began the study of law in 1789, in Philadelphia, and was admitted to the bar in 1794. He began practice in Norristown, Pennsylvania, but removed to Philadelphia in 1797, where he soon obtained a large practice. In 1805 he entered political life. He was elected a member of the select council of his native city, re-elected for three years in 1807, and became president of the council in 1808. He was then chosen a member of congress, serving from 4 November, 1811, till 3 March, 1813, and, being strongly Federalist in his principles, opposed the second war with Great Britain, in 1812. Soon after returning home he became a candidate for orders in the Protestant Episcopal church. While studying for the ministry he busied himself effectively as catechist and lay reader. He was made deacon, 14 August, 1814, and priest, 27 August, 1815, by Bishop White. He was elected assistant minister in St. Peter's and the United churches, Philadelphia, in 1814, but two years later he accepted the rectorship of St. George's church, New York city, where he remained until his death, lie received the degree of D. D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1819. He visited Europe in 1830 as delegate to the British and Foreign Bible society. His remaining years were spent in parochial work and in aiding the various charitable institutions in Philadelphia. Dr. Milnor's publications were "Oration on Masonry," before the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania (1811) ; "Thanksgiving-Day Sermon" (1817) ; "A Plea for the American Colonization Society" (New York, 1826) ; " Sermon on the Death of De Witt Clinton, Governor of New York" (New York, 1828) ; and "A Charitable Judgment of the Opinions and Conduct of Others Recommended," which was delivered on the Sunday before his death (1844). See a "Memoir," by the Reverend John S. Stone, D. D. (New York, 1855). | Milnor, James (I198)
29 | Her name is listed as M.E. in the 1869 census? | Swineheart, Lizzie (I2623)
30 | I found a reference to Daniels wifes name being Sarah Whitmer in a LDS file once... The neighbors of Daniel are named Whitmore... Rob | Sarah, Whitmer (I2620)
31 | I have Caroline's maiden name as "Trichler", and that her father was born in Switzerland, and her mother born in PA. The 1880 Census (Clayton Co) shows that she could not read nor write. | Twicher, Caroline (I2892)
32 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Swezea, D. (I559)
33 | In 1900 census, Middle Initial appears to be "M". In 1920 it appears to F? | Bammert, Rose (I624)
34 | In 1930 Census, he is living with his cousin James McNeilly(24) and his wife Margaret(24) and their daughter Burnadette(1). Also in the household are an Uncle, William Carr(60) and Aunt Celia Torrane(57) James(20) is listed as a farmer. | McAuliffe, James (I2531)
35 | In 1930 Census, John states his first marriage was when he was 30. | Family F879
36 | Information and Pictures on the Zumwalt's from Sandi Metzger. | Zumwalt, Della Louise (I3668)
37 | listed as M.C. in 1860 census | Swineheart, Catherine (I2629)
38 | Listed in bible as "Gerald Melvin Bedow, died Sept 25, 1912" | Beddow, Gerald Melvin (I3301)
39 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Clawson, M.A. (I2595)
40 | middle name is Eugene? Named his first born Eugene... | McAuliffe, John Edward (I2529)
41 | MILNOR, William, a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 26, 1769; pursued an academic course; engaged in mercantile pursuits in Philadelphia; elected as a Federalist to the Tenth and Eleventh Congresses (March 4, 1807-March 3, 1811); chairman, Committee on Accounts (Eleventh Congress); elected to the Fourteenth Congress (March 4, 1815-March 3, 1817); again elected to the Seventeenth Congress and served from March 4, 1821, until his resignation on May 8, 1822; elected mayor of Philadelphia October 20, 1829, and served one year; died in Burlington, Burlington County, N.J., December 13, 1848; interment in St. Mary’s Churchyard. | Milnor, William (I048)
42 | Minnesota Death Index CertID# 1948-MN-005935 | Bammert, Frank J. (I620)
43 | More Information about Walter: http://www.iversongallery.com/wsm/wsm_list.htm | Milnor, Walter Sears (I2537)
44 | Mother born in Michigan, Father in Maryland | Mason, Francis A (I618)
45 | Name is possibbly: Orena "Irene" jenkins | Jenkins, Rena (I2631)
46 | Nickname "Nonie" | Clawson, Lenora Leona (I2660)
47 | Not sure on the the first initial of the first name... | Bammert, Catherine (I626)
48 | Occupation: Farmer and worked in a sawmill | Beddow, Martin L. (I2849)
49 | On Walter's Death Certificate, Virginia, his wife, says his Mother was mary Lyson from Pennsyvania? typo? memory? truth? | Tyson, Mary Jane (I037)
50 | Remarried to Mel Bayne | McTurk, Garwin (I3607)